Saturday, June 26, 2010

Took a much needed break

Well I have been feeling pretty down lately and exhausted. Thought I could blame it all on being depressed but turns out it was low iron. Something I should have recognized but didn't and now I am feeling better cause I'm taking some vitamins.
I had some time with friends yesterday and talked about my frustration with trying to get published. They didn't know what a pain in the ass it was, just like I didn't when I started. They gave me some much needed support, even just by listening.
I was telling them that I could really use a break and that I wanted to just read a book, not for research or comparison, but just to read like I used to.
So that is what I did this morning. Got up to feed the cats and instead of sitting down in front of this computer, I grabbed a paperback and went back to bed. I read practically the whole thing, it is a book with 2 short stories, and it felt great. I would have finished the whole thing, but the household began to wake up and I had to go put on some coffee. Maybe tomorrow morning I can finish it.
It was really good to just fall into someone's story that isn't mine for a change. Just to read for the pleasure.
I used to read a few hardcovers a week. I would have multiple books going on at the same time depending on where I was. It was great.
But between becoming a mom and trying to work on my own writing, reading had fallen to the bottom of the list of shit I needed to do.
But, hopefully, that will change. It was good to read to charge the batteries.
Off to another grand adventure.
Back to writing on Monday.

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